Move over Everyman; Überman is Here
This is an update to let you guys know that our group is changing things up a little. So far we have been going by a schedule called “The Everyman.” This means that we have been sleeping little a night, and making up for it with naps throughout the day. This has been working according to plan, but adaptation is a very slow process.
We only have until the end of this week to work on this project, and at this rate, we will not be at any final product by then. Because of this, we have decided to change our pattern to one called “The Uberman.” This is the one that most people know of. We will be taking 20 minute naps every 4 hours for the rest of the week. Hopefully by Friday we will be able to determine if the project is working, and how well it is working.
Check-In: This is Your Body on Uberman
This is what we look like when we are exhausted. No judgements, please.
Polyphasic Sleep Data – One Week In
Here’s how we stack up after one week of polyphasic sleep.
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